CAHD-ACDH The national voice of Canadian hospital-affiliated dentists

Antibiotic Stewardship

CAHD Strategy

CAHD Strategy

Antimicrobial stewardship is global issue requiring a system-wide  and multi-layered approach. At the health care systems level, CAHD will be participating in the HealthCareCAN Action Roundtable to develop a National Antimicrobial Stewardship Action Plan.

At the professional level, CAHD is working with dental and infectious disease physician colleagues to communicate the critical importance of responsible antimicrobial use.

Examples of our work to date:

Interprofessional Presentations at ODA Annual Spring Meeting 2016

Sutherland — The Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis – Introduction to an Interprofessional Panel Presentation

Patrick — Antibiotic Stewardship The Imperative to Involve Dentistry

Sutherland — The Bacteremia Debate and Antibiotic Guidelines in Dentistry

Makhoul — An Evidence Based Approach to Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Oral Surgery

Morris – Antimicrobial Stewardship in Dentistry


OASIS interview with Dr. David Patrick

Publication in JADA