CAHD-ACDH The national voice of Canadian hospital-affiliated dentists

Annual General Meeting

Our next Annual General Meeting is scheduled June 6, 2025

Hosted with Ottawa Hospital Speakers
Hybrid Option will be available (online & in-person)

Welcome to CAHD


The national voice of Canadian hospital-affiliated dentists, united to enhance safe practice, clinical teaching, collaborative research, accountable administration and responsible dental leadership in Canadian hospitals.

Caring for medically complex and special needs patients

CAHD: Promoting evidence-based oral health care

“… the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients” -David Sackett

Become a Member

Already a Member?

Launched in 2015, CAHD was created to support hospital-based Canadian dentists and to be a resource for the profession and the public on matters related to hospital dentistry. Embracing a collaborative and inclusive approach and in partnership with dental and medical colleagues and organizations, CAHD will advance safe, accessible, ethical and evidence-based oral health care in our complex health system. At the inaugural meeting of CAHD, members made a commitment to develop and lead a Canadian national strategy for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Dentistry.

Academic and Faculty Opportunities

Opportunities will be posted as they arise.


  • Sun

    AGM 2021

    10:45 amVirtual

    Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association of Hospital Dentists will be held electronically by Zoom videoconference on Friday, June 11, 2021 beginning at 10:45 A.M. EST.

    For more information please visit the event page.

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