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Lancée en 2015, l’ACDH a été créée pour soutenir les dentistes canadiens travaillant en milieu hospitalier et pour servir de ressource aux professionnels et au public sur les questions concernant la dentisterie en milieu hospitalier. Adoptant une démarche collaborative et inclusive, et en partenariat avec les collègues et organisations médicales, l’ACDH fera progresser les soins de santé buccale sécuritaires, accessibles, éthiques et reposant sur des données probantes dans notre système de santé complexe. Les membres se sont engagés, au cours de la réunion inaugurale de l’ACDH, à élaborer et mener une stratégie nationale canadienne pour la gestion antimicrobienne en dentisterie.
Postes universitaires et opportunités d’enseignement
Aucun pour le moment.
dim21Fév20169:00 amDowntown Toronto
CAHD related event #1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisl ligula, consectetur ac dapibus ut, cursus vel libero. Duis posuere vel sem pharetra ultricies.
dim21Fév20169:00 amDowntown Toronto
CAHD related event #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisl ligula, consectetur ac dapibus ut, cursus vel libero. Duis posuere vel sem pharetra ultricies.
dim21Fév20169:00 amDowntown Toronto
CAHD related event #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nisl ligula, consectetur ac dapibus ut, cursus vel libero. Duis posuere vel sem pharetra ultricies.
CAHD Scientific Meeting and AGM - 2017
Details will be posted at a later date
ven13Mai2016Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
CAHD 2016 Annual General Meeting
Faculty of Dentistry
5981 University Ave
4th Floor - Room 4116
Scientific Session: Databases for Quality of Care
HIGHLIGHTS of meeting will be available soon
Register for CAHD 2016 Annual General Meeting
Erreur : Formulaire de contact non trouvé !
Hotel accommodationPreferred rates at participating hotels available after registration
Things to see and do in Halifax and area -
ven13Mai2016Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
CAHD 2016 Annual General Meeting
Faculty of Dentistry
5981 University Ave
4th Floor - Room 4116
Scientific Session: Databases for Quality of Care
HIGHLIGHTS of meeting will be available soon
Register for CAHD 2016 Annual General Meeting
Erreur : Formulaire de contact non trouvé !
Hotel accommodationPreferred rates at participating hotels available after registration
Things to see and do in Halifax and area -
CAHD 2016
ven28Avr2017Jewish General Hospital - Montreal
CAHD Scientific Meeting and AGM - 2017
CAHD Scientific Meeting and AGM - 2018
Exact date and details will be posted at a later date
ven11Mai2018sam12Mai20188:00am - 5:00pmWinnipeg, Manitoba
Annual Meeting 2018
CAHD – ACDH 4th Annual Conference
ven07Juin2019sam08Juin2019Toronto, On
Annual Meeting - Toronto 2019
Register now for for our 2019 CAHD 5th Annual Meeting
Critical Issues in Hospital Dentistry
AGM Vancouver 2020 Cancelled
Dear Colleagues,
Due to the rapidly evolving and uncertain nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have made the decision to cancel CAHD’s National Meeting, scheduled for June 5-6, 2020 in Vancouver.
This was a difficult decision as our National Meeting has and will continue to be a central component of CAHD and a tremendous opportunity for meeting our colleagues from across the country to share ideas, expertise and experiences. However, the health, safety, and professional obligations of our community is our top priority.
We understand that some of you have made arrangements to attend. You will need to work directly with travel or accommodations providers to cancel your arrangements related to the conference. We apologize for this inconvenience and hope that you will return to the National Meeting in 2021.
If you have further questions regarding the conference, please contact
Debbie Fonseca, Site Host CAHD Vancouver 2020
on behalf of the CAHD Board of Directors -
dim11Juil202110:45 amVirtual
AGM 2021
Please be advised that the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Association of Hospital Dentists will be held electronically by Zoom videoconference on Friday, June 11, 2021 beginning at 10:45 A.M. EST.
For more information please visit the event page.
ven22Sep2023Vancouver, BC
AGM 2023
The CAHD AGM 2023 will be held on September 22, 2023 in Vancouver BC.Exact room details to follow.For more information and to register please visit the event page.
Actualités et publications
Document de positionnement de l’ACDH sur les départements de dentisterie dans les centres universitaires de sciences de la santé
Une déclaration de principes de l’Association canadienne des dentistes en milieu hospitalier.